Research Overview


At DU, we empower students and faculty to solve the challenging problems of our time. Involvement in scholarly research gives our students the opportunity to gain valuable experience and make new discoveries in our labs and communities. That’s why we’re among the latest to be recognized as a Very High Research University (or “R1”) by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, 这一荣誉意味着你有更多的机会, greater impacts for the communities we serve and more of the same great research for us.  

Our relationships and resources allow us to provide our student and faculty researchers with access to funding and laboratories that make innovation possible. Combining those relationships and resources with our campus-wide dedication to discovery promotes innovative research that goes beyond traditional boundaries.

What Will You Discover?



Whether you find your purpose in the liberal arts or the sciences, 我们会提供资源, support, 以及研究机会.


Centers & Institutes

在社会创业中发现新的想法和方法, business, law, service learning, 以及运动损伤康复.


Health & Wellness

帮助孩子应对虐待和忽视, 研究创伤性脑损伤的新治疗方法, and improve the technology used to treat hip and knee replacements.


Society & Culture

促进多样性和国际和平倡议, 寻找解决和改善社会不平等的新方法, 并开发有效的方法来教幼儿数学.


Technology & Science

我们正在挑战无人系统的极限, 以新的方式操纵光线, 展望能源转移的未来. DU students are award-winning research contributors and founders of successful spinoff companies.


In The News

Watch coverage of our academic research endeavors across local and national news media.



Explore our faculty recognition book to learn more about recent accomplishments in scholarship, 研究及创意工作.

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我们释放了自闭症儿童的潜能, 促进社区的可持续发展, and increase academic achievement in disadvantaged populations. We’ve even found ways to take the court out of divorce—an initiative that later spun off into its own non-profit.

3-D Printed Artifacts

Anthropology professor Bonnie Clark is using new 3-D printing technology to give students a taste of what it's like to examine ancient artifacts. 通过打印古代物品的3d模型, students can conduct research on a physical object without worrying about harming a one-of-a-kind relic.

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我们高等教育专业的博士生, Meseret Hailu researches the persistence of women in undergraduate STEM majors in Ethiopia. Meseret conducted interviews with 30 women studying STEM in Ethiopia. She also surveyed 275 women electronically to ensure the reliability of her data.

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DU undergraduate engineering students research athletic shoe performance.

DU undergraduate engineering students teamed up with Nike to assess the stability of athletic shoes. 医学与工程相结合, 他们的研究有助于减少受伤和提高表现.

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Research Funding & Support

DU invests more than $1 million annually to support faculty and student research projects. One out of five students on campus receive payment from research grants, with faculty and graduate students bringing in over $25 million in external research funding annually. 我们提供的支持并不局限于金融领域, with graduates identifying the one-on-one research interactions with faculty as the most valuable part of their college experience.

$40M MG线上电子游戏的研究经费总额超过4000万美元.

275 MG线上电子游戏学目前有275名受资助的教职员工.

$11m Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant Stipend Funding: $11,467,127

cta pattern



About DU Research


与企业合作 & Nonprofits

从艾睿电子到和平队, corporations and nonprofits from Colorado and across the world rely on our students and faculty as problem solvers. These relationships enrich our research community and empower our students to develop skills and techniques they’ll carry into the workforce.


As a private institution, we protect corporate trade secrets while performing high-value research. DU's commitment to a teacher-scholar model means that students work directly with faculty on solving problems. Our size and access to resources allows students to perform cross-disciplinary research.

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Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

2601 E Colorado Avenue

Corinne Lengsfeld

负责研究的高级副教务长 & Graduate Education